- Boost Mobile
"BOGO Bros" (0:30) - Boost Mobile
"Rough Night" - Boost Mobile
"Line Happy" (0:30) - Real’Za
“Hobby Horsing” (0:30) - Real’Za
“Swords” (0:30) - Bank of America
“Pet Control” (0:30) - Bank of America
“The Artist” (0:30) - Aire Serv
"The Precocious Hot Kid" (0:30) - Aire Serv
"The Precocious Cold Kid"? (0:30) - Fitbit
"Surge" (:60) - UFC 172
"Mr. Wonderful" - Nike
"Be Heard" - Magic the Gathering
"Arena of the Planeswalkers" - Sovereign/Santander
"Cash Independence" - Doritos
"The Soprano Dorito" - KPMG
"Sliced Bread" - Fitbit
"Charge HR" (:60) - Fitbit
"Charge HR" (:60) - Fitbit
"Aria" (0:60) - Walden University
"My Why: Tasha Holland-Kornegay" - Walden University
"My Why: Eric Barton" - Walden University
"My Why: Aubrey Mast" - Comex
"El Estadio" - Ergotron
"JustStand.org" - Ergotron/JustStand.org
"Monday" - Ergotron/JustStand.org
"Tuesday" - Ergotron/JustStand.org
"Wednesday" - Ergotron/JustStand.org
"Thursday" - Ergotron/JustStand.org